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[aliases] n0=; n1=; first 2 aliases go along with "nuke nabber", an external nuke catcher utility n2=; n3=nuke { n4= if (%tvnuke [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) || (%tvnuke [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) halt n5= set %tvnuke [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $true | .timer 1 5 unset %tvnuke [ $+ [ $1 ] ] n6= set %tvnuke [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $true | .timer 1 5 unset %tvnuke [ $+ [ $2 ] ] n7= echo 4 -s Port scan detected! n8= if ($1 = 0) set %nukefound $scanchannel( [ *!*@ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) n9= else { n10= set %nukefound $scanchannel( [ *!*@ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) n11= if ((%nukefound = $false) && ($2 != $null)) set %nukefound $scanchannel( [ *!*@ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) n12= } n13= if (%nukefound = $false) { n14= echo 4 -s Could not find this nuker on local channels n15= who *!*@ $+ $1 n16= } n17= unset %nuke* n18=} n19=scanchannel { n20= echo 6 -s Scanning for address $1 n21= %i = 0 | set %nukematch $false n22= :loopchans n23= inc %i n24= if $chan(%i) != $null { n25= set %nukenum 0 n26= :nextnick n27= inc %nukenum n28= set %nukenick $ialchan($1,$chan(%i),%nukenum).nick n29= if %nukenick != $null { n30= set %nukematch $true n31= echo 4 -s Found match: %nukenick on $chan(%i) n32= if (($me isop $chan(%i)) && ($notop(%nukenick,$chan(%i)))) { n33= mode $chan(%i) -o+b %nukenick $address(%nukenick,4) n34= .timer 1 600 mode $chan(%i) -b $address(%nukenick,4) n35= kick $chan(%i) %nukenick Stay off my ports! (AutoNab from NukeNabber) n36= } n37= elseif ($me isop $chan(%i)) { n38= if (%usespecific) echo 4 -s %nukenick is in your $wordlist($gl(%nukenick)) list on $chan(%i) $+ ! n39= else echo 4 -s %nukenick is in your $wordlist($gl(%nukenick)) list! n40= } n41= goto nextnick n42= } n43= goto loopchans n44= } n45= return %nukematch n46=} n47=; n48=; miscellaneous stuff n49=; n50=portwin if $window(@Port_Listing) = $null window -an @Port_Listing 10 10 300 400 n51=addport { n52= portwin n53= if $window(@Port_Listing).state = minimized aline -h @Port_Listing $1- n54= else aline @Port_Listing $1- n55=} n56=getports { n57= if ($1 = $null) { set %tvserver $server } | else { set %tvserver $1 } n58= .enable #getports n59= addport %dis10 $+ Ports for: %tvserver n60= if ($1 = $null) { stats l } | else { stats l $1 } n61= .timer 1 30 .disable #getports n62=} n63=apost { n64= if ($right($1,1) = s) return $1 $+ ' n65= else return $1 $+ 's n66=} n67=findip { n68= if $ial(*!*@ $+ $1,1).nick = $null { n69= altech -a %dis10 $+ No match for $1 found, resolving... n70= set %mip $1 | .enable #match | .disable #regdns | .dns *!*@ $+ $1 n71= } n72= else altech -a %dis10 $+ Matched $1 to nick: $ial(*!*@ $+ $1).nick n73=} n74=time say The time is $realtime $day $+ , $adate n75=addignore { n76= if $a2($1) != $null dde control $ddename $+ ignore ignore $1 $a3($1) $a4($1) n77= else { n78= echo 3 -a $1 is not in the internal address list, looking up info... n79= set %addnick $1 | .enable #altignore | userhost $1 n80= } n81=} n82=altech echo $1- n83=; n84=; #mocklamer stuff n85=; n86=onmock if $me !ison #mocklamer { altech -a %dis10 $+ You're not on #MockLamer! | dh } n87=mock? onmock | msg #mocklamer |mocklamer request| $1- n88=mock onmock | .enable #verifylamer2 | set %mockee $1 | userhost $1 n89=mockon join #mocklamer | set %mocklamer $true | altech -a %dis10 $+ LamerMocking enabled n90=mockoff set %mocklamer $false | altech -a %dis10 $+ LamerMocking disabled n91=; n92=; aliases for the timed message creator... these are all either called by the n93=; timed message creator itself, or from the popups n94=; n95=stopmessage { n96= if ($1 = Global) altech -a %dis10 $+ Halted timed global message n97= else altech -a %dis10 $+ Halted timed message to $1- n98=} n99=remtimer { n100= %p = 0 n101= :nx n102= inc %p n103= if %tmsg [ $+ [ %p ] ] = $1 { n104= .timer $+ $calc(269 + %p) off n105= %tmsg [ $+ [ %p ] ] = "" n106= } n107= if %p < 10 goto nx n108=} n109=domsg { n110= if (($1 = /msg) || ($1 = /describe)) { n111= if (($left($2,1) = $chr(35)) && ($me !ison $2)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ Halting timed message to $2 (you're not there!) | remtimer $2 | dh } n112= if $1 = /describe describe $2 $3- n113= else msg $2 $3- n114= } n115= else $1- n116=} n117=createmessage { n118= ; timed message of $2- to %who (%temp is the prefix) using delay $1 n119= %i = 0 n120= :nx n121= inc %i n122= if %tmsg [ $+ [ %i ] ] = $null { n123= set %tmsg [ $+ [ %i ] ] %who n124= .timer $+ $calc(269 + %i) 0 $1 domsg %temp $2- n125= } n126= else { n127= if %i = 10 { altech -a %dis10 $+ Sorry, you already have 10 timed messages going :( | dh } n128= goto nx n129= } n130= domsg %temp $2- n131=} n132=timedmsg { n133= if $1 = msg { n134= if $2 = all { set %temp /amsg | set %who Global ( $+ $left($4-,10) $+ ) } n135= else set { %temp /msg $2 | set %who $2 } n136= } n137= else { n138= if $2 = all { set %temp /ame | set %who Global Message } n139= else { set %temp /describe $2 | set %who $2 } n140= } n141= createmessage $3 $4- n142=} n143=; n144=; telnet, used to connect to a bot n145=; n146=telnet { n147= if %port [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ Could not find port entry for $1 $+ ! | dg } n148= raw -q PRIVMSG $me : $+ $chr(1) $+ dcc chat chat $longip($2) %port [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $+ $chr(1) n149= unset %port [ $+ [ $1 ] ] n150=} n151=addapp { n152= ; this one is called by an external program n153= %i = 0 n154= :nx2 n155= inc %i n156= if %app [ $+ [ %i ] ] = $1 { altech -a %dis10 $+ An app with the name $1 is already in the menu! | dh } n157= if %i < 24 goto nx2 n158= %i = 0 n159= :nx n160= inc %i n161= if %app [ $+ [ %i ] ] = $null { n162= set %app [ $+ [ %i ] ] $1 | set %appexe [ $+ [ %i ] ] $2- n163= altech -a %dis10 $+ Added $1 to Run Applications popups n164= dh n165= } n166= if %i < 24 goto nx n167= altech -a %dis10 $+ Maximum number of additions (24) already obtained! | alert n168=} n169=; n170=; encryption handling n171=; can't change much here either.... it's all done inside an external app n172=; n173=enc dde control $ddename crypt $1 $+ @ $+ $2 $+ @ $+ $3- n174=lsay enc none say $strip($1-) n175=lme enc none me $strip($1-) n176=esay say $1- $+ 4 $+ $str(200,!) n177=; n178=; various text routines n179=; n180=rsay say $rc($1-) n181=rme me $rc($1-) n182=rbsay say $+ $rc($1-) n183=rbme me $+ $rc($1-) n184=wt { n185= %wt = $replace($1-,a,σ) | %wt = $replace(%wt,b,▀) | %wt = $replace(%wt,c,⌐) n186= %wt = $replace(%wt,d,╨) | %wt = $replace(%wt,e,Ω) | %wt = $replace(%wt,f,f) n187= %wt = $replace(%wt,g,g) | %wt = $replace(%wt,h,h) | %wt = $replace(%wt,i,∩) n188= %wt = $replace(%wt,j,j) | %wt = $replace(%wt,k,K) | %wt = $replace(%wt,l,ú) n189= %wt = $replace(%wt,m,m) | %wt = $replace(%wt,n,±) | %wt = $replace(%wt,o,≡) n190= %wt = $replace(%wt,p,■) | %wt = $replace(%wt,q,q) | %wt = $replace(%wt,r,«) n191= %wt = $replace(%wt,s,º) | %wt = $replace(%wt,t,t) | %wt = $replace(%wt,u,ⁿ) n192= %wt = $replace(%wt,v,v) | %wt = $replace(%wt,w,W) | %wt = $replace(%wt,x,╫) n193= return $replace(%wt,y,Ñ) n194=} n195=wcsay wsay $rc($1-) n196=wcme wme $rc($1-) n197=wsay say $wt($1-) n198=wme me $wt($1-) n199=stripetext { n200= %text = $replace($3-,$chr(32),$chr(1)) n201= set %temp $r(1,2) n202= if %temp = 1 { set %color1 $1 | set %color2 $2 } n203= else { set %color1 $2 | set %color2 $1 } n204= %temp = "" | %i = 0 n205= :nx n206= inc %i n207= set %temp %temp $+ $+ %color1 $+ , $+ %color2 $+ $mid(%text,%i,1) n208= if %color1 = $1 { set %color1 $2 | set %color2 $1 } n209= else { set %color1 $1 | set %color2 $2 } n210= if %i < $len(%text) goto nx n211= return $replace(%temp,$chr(1),$chr(32)) n212=} n213=rinsult return $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt first [ n $+ [ $r(0,39) ] ] $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt second [ n $+ [ $r(0,30) ] ] of $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt third [ n $+ [ $r(0,42) ] ] n214=rchannels { n215= %chans = "" | %i = 0 n216= set %count $r(3,9) n217= :nx n218= inc %i n219= set %num $r(0,76) n220= if (%tvused [ $+ [ %num ] ] ) goto nx n221= set %tvused [ $+ [ %num ] ] $true n222= %chans = %chans $readini $mircdirmisc.ini Channels [ n $+ [ %num ] ] n223= if %i < %count goto nx n224= unset %tvused* n225= return %chans n226=} n227=insult say $1 $+ , you are a $rinsult n228=insult2 say $1 $+ , $readini $mircdirtxt\insult.txt first [ n $+ [ $r(40,193) ] ] n229=notcode { n230= if $1 isnum 0-15 return $false n231= return $true n232=} n233=repeat { n234= set %text $1- $+ $chr(1) n235= set %text $replace(%text,$chr(32),$chr(1)) n236= set %text $str(%text,50) n237= say $replace(%text,$chr(1),$chr(32)) n238=} n239=shadow { n240= ; first 3 lines are a bit strange due to an error in mIRC handing "else" n241= ; with the "isnum" operator n242= unset %color n243= if ($1 isnum 0-15) { set %color $1 | set %text $2- } n244= if %color = $null { set %color 4 | set %text $1- } n245= say $+ %color $+ , $+ %color $str(,$calc($len(%text) + 1)) n246= say 0, $+ %color %text 1,1 n247= say $+ %color $+ , $+ %color $str(,$calc($len(%text) + 1)) $+ 1,1 n248= say 0,0 1,1 $str(,$calc($len(%text) + 1)) n249=} n250=ssay { n251= if ($notcode($1)) say $stripetext(4,1,$1-) n252= elseif ($notcode($2)) say $stripetext($1,1,$2-) n253= else say $stripetext($1,$2,$3-) n254=} n255=sme { n256= if ($notcode($1)) me $stripetext(4,1,$1-) n257= elseif ($notcode($2)) me $stripetext($1,1,$2-) n258= else me $stripetext($1,$2,$3-) n259=} n260=backwards { n261= %text = $replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(1)) n262= %temp = "" | set %i $len(%text) n263= :nx n264= %temp = %temp $+ $mid(%text,%i,1) n265= dec %i n266= if %i > 0 goto nx n267= return $replace(%temp,$chr(1),$chr(32)) n268=} n269=bsay say $backwards($1-) n270=bn { n271= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ The /bn commands works only from a channel window! | dh } n272= notice # $backwards($1-) n273=} n274=bme me $backwards($1-) n275=rc { n276= %t = 0 | %cms = "" | %a = $replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(1)) n277= :nx n278= inc %t n279= set %cms %cms $+ $+ $r(1,15) $+ ,00 $+ $mid(%a,%t,1) n280= if %t < $len($1-) goto nx n281= return $replace(%cms,$chr(1),$chr(32)) $+ 1,0 n282=} n283=ding splay $mircdirding.wav n284=dh ding | halt n285=alert if (%salert = ding) ding n286=playascii play -t $+ $1 $mircdirtxt\ascii.txt 1500 n287=ro return $readini $mircdiroptions\options.ini $1 $2 n288=reply raw -q notice $1 : $+ $2- $+ n289=tignore { n290= ; temp ignore that doesn't echo n291= ; $1 is ignore type, $2 is time in seconds, $3 is mask to ignore n292= .ignore - $+ $1 $3 | .timer 1 $2 .ignore -r $3 n293=} n294=; n295=; misc. aliases that can be used by the user (also used by the scripts) n296=; n297=massinvite .enable #invitenames | set %chan $2 | names $1 n298=swhois { n299= inc %donewhois n300= .enable #aww n301= if undernet isin $server whois $1 n302= else whois $1 $1 n303=} n304=autowhois { n305= if (%tvdw [ $+ [ $a2($1) ] ] != $true) { n306= set %tvdw [ $+ [ $a2($1) ] ] $true n307= .timer 1 30 unset %tvdw [ $+ [ $a2($1) ] ] n308= if undernet isin $server whois $1 n309= else whois $1 $1 n310= } n311=} n312=q query $1 n313=swho .disable #nw | .enable #allwho | set %fwho $1- | set %fwht 0 | who $1- n314=vn ctcp $1 version n315=u ctcp $1 userinfo n316=t ctcp $1 time n317=c ctcp $1 clientinfo n318=send dcc send $1 $2 n319=chat dcc chat $1 n320=ping ctcp $1 ping n321=joinchannel { n322= set %chan $$?="Enter channel" n323= if $left(%chan,1) != $chr(35) set %chan $chr(35) $+ %chan n324= join %chan n325=} n326=join { n327= if $1 = $null { joinchannel | halt } n328= join $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 n329= %i = 0 n330= :nx n331= inc %i n332= set %chan [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n333= if %chan != $null { n334= if $left(%chan,1) = $chr(35) set %ticks [ $+ [ %chan ] ] $ticks n335= goto nx n336= } n337=} n338=j join #$1 #$2 #$3 #$4 #$5 #$6 #$7 #$8 #$9 #$10 n339=topic { n340= if ((+t isin $chan($1).mode) && ($me !isop $1)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ Sorry, $1 is +t and you are not opped | altech -a %dis10 $+ You cannot change the topic :( | dh } n341= else topic $1 $2- n342=} n343=p part # n344=w { n345= if $pos($active,Status Window) = 1 { n346= if undernet isin $server whois $1 n347= else whois $1 $1 n348= } n349= else swhois $1 n350=} n351=wm { n352= %i = 0 n353= :nx n354= inc %i n355= set %nick [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n356= if %nick != $null { n357= if $undernet isin $server whois %nick n358= else whois %nick %nick n359= goto nx n360= } n361=} n362=wall wallops $1- n363=amsg { n364= %k = 0 n365= :nx n366= inc %k n367= if $chan(%k) != $null { msg $chan(%k) $1- | goto nx } n368=} n369=pn notice $1 Private Notice: $2- n370=invite { n371= if $1 != $null invite $1- n372= else { n373= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ Syntax: /invite <nick> <channel>, or /invite <nick> if typed from a channel window | dh } n374= elseif ($1 = $null) invite $$?="Enter nick to invite" # n375= else invite $1 # n376= } n377=} n378=n notice $1 $2- n379=; hmmmm.... wonder how many scripts the next few aliases will wind up in n380=; this is original by me! n381=; these /op, /deop, /kick, /v, etc. aliases will work on any number of n382=; nicks (i.e. /op nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4 nick5 nick6, and will not exceed n383=; the number of mode changes per line you set in the options program n384=op { n385= amiopped # n386= %i = 0 n387= %nicks = "" n388= :nx n389= inc %i n390= set %nick [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n391= if (%nick = $null) { if $len(%nicks) > 0 mode # +oooo %nicks | halt } n392= set %nicks %nicks %nick n393= if %maxmodes // %i { mode # +oooo %nicks | %nicks = "" } n394= goto nx n395=} n396=deop { n397= amiopped # n398= %i = 0 n399= %nicks = "" n400= :nx n401= inc %i n402= set %nick [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n403= if (%nick = $null) { if $len(%nicks) > 0 mode # -oooo %nicks | halt } n404= set %nicks %nicks %nick n405= if %maxmodes // %i { mode # -oooo %nicks | %nicks = "" } n406= goto nx n407=} n408=v { n409= amiopped # n410= %i = 0 n411= %nicks = "" n412= :nx n413= inc %i n414= set %nick [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n415= if (%nick = $null) { if $len(%nicks) > 0 mode # +vvvv %nicks | halt } n416= set %nicks %nicks %nick n417= if %maxmodes // %i { mode # +vvvv %nicks | %nicks = "" } n418= goto nx n419=} n420=dv { n421= amiopped # n422= %i = 0 n423= %nicks = "" n424= :nx n425= inc %i n426= set %nick [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n427= if (%nick = $null) { if $len(%nicks) > 0 mode # -vvvv %nicks | halt } n428= set %nicks %nicks %nick n429= if %maxmodes // %i { mode # -vvvv %nicks | %nicks = "" } n430= goto nx n431=} n432=s { n433= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ /s to sound only works when the active window is a channel window! | dh } n434= if ($right($1,4) = .wav) { ctcp # SOUND $1 $2- | splay $1 } n435= else { ctcp # SOUND $1 $+ .wav $2- | splay $1 $+ .wav } n436=} n437=k { n438= amiopped # n439= altech # 3ok, done n440= %i = 0 n441= :nx n442= inc %i n443= set %nick [ $ $+ [ %i ] ] n444= if %nick != $null { kick # %nick %kickmsg | goto nx } n445=} n446=kr { n447= amiopped # n448= if $2 = $null set %reason %kickmsg n449= else set %reason $2- n450= if $1 ison # { altech # 3ok, done | kick # $1 %reason } n451= else altech -a %dis10 $+ $1 is not on # $+ ! n452=} n453=server { n454= if $1 = $null { n455= if $server = $null { n456= if ((%server = $null) || (%sport = $null)) dde control $ddename $+ connect showlist $null n457= else dde control $ddename $+ connect showlist %server $+ : $+ %sport n458= } n459= else dde control $ddename $+ connect showlist $server $+ : $+ $port n460= } n461= else { if $server != $null quit Changing Servers | server $1- } n462=} n463=; n464=; function key definitions n465=; n466=F2 { n467= if ($away) dde control $ddename $+ away showyourself back n468= else dde control $ddename $+ away showyourself away n469=} n470=F3 { n471= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ F3 to ban the last to leave only works when the active window is a channel window! | dh } n472= amiopped # n473= if %lastpart [ $+ [ # ] ] = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ I don't know who last parted # $+ ! | dh } n474= altech -a 3ok, done | mode # +b %lastpart [ $+ [ # ] ] n475= rtb %lastpart [ $+ [ # ] ] # n476=} n477=F4 { n478= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ The F4 to /onotice only works when the active window is a channel window! | dh } n479= onotice $$?="Enter message" n480=} n481=F5 .timer925 off | .ignore -r *!*@* | altech -a %dis10 $+ Total ignore is OFF | alert n482=F6 .ignore -tcpni *!*@* | altech -a %dis10 $+ Total Ignore is on. Press F5 to turn it off. | .timer925 0 60 altech -s %dis10 $+ Total Ignore is on. Press F5 to turn it off. | alert n483=F7 { n484= ckserv n485= if %icmpnick = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no nick set for ICMP revenge! | dh } n486= icmp %icmpnick n487=} n488=F8 ckserv | deopall # n489=F9 { n490= ckserv n491= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ F9 only works while you are on a channel! | alert } n492= kickban $a3($$1) # | rtb $a3($$1) # n493=} n494=F10 { n495= if (%urd) altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation is already enabled! n496= else { set %urd $true | z | altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation enabled } n497= alert n498=} n499=SF3 { n500= if (%vote) { unset %vote* | .timer993 off | altech -a %dis10 $+ Vote cancelled! } n501= else altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no vote in progress! n502= alert n503=} n504=SF4 { n505= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ Shift-F4 to send a channel message only works when the active windows is a channel window! | dh } n506= msg # $$?="Enter channel message" n507=} n508=SF9 { n509= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ Shift F9 to ping only works when the active window is a channel window! | dh } n510= ctcp # PING n511=} n512=SF1 { n513= if %tvmip = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no address set to look up! | dh } n514= altech -a %dis10 $+ Looking up %tvmip (there may not be any matches!) n515= who %tvmip n516= .timer 1 120 unset %tvmip n517=} n518=SF2 { n519= if %tvgetports = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no server set to look up ports on! | dh } n520= altech -a %dis10 $+ Attempting cross-server port list (this may give strange results!) n521= getports %tvgetports n522=} n523=SF5 { n524= ckserv n525= if %ivn = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no nick set for the invite kick! | dh } n526= if %iva = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ I don't know the address for %ivn :( | dh } n527= kickbanall %iva %invitemsg n528=} n529=SF6 { n530= ckserv n531= if %inv = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ There is no channel set to join! | dh } n532= join %inv n533=} n534=SF8 ckserv | mkick # all n535=SF10 { n536= if (%urd) { set %urd $false | close -m $me | altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation disabled } n537= else altech -a %dis10 $+ Unix terminal emulation is not active! n538= alert n539=} n540=realtime { n541= set %hour $left($time,$calc($pos($time,:) - 1)) n542= set %minute $mid($time,$calc($pos($time,:) + 1),2) n543= if %hour = 00 return 12: $+ %minute AM n544= if %hour = 12 return 12: $+ %minute PM n545= if %hour > 12 { dec %hour 12 | return %hour $+ : $+ %minute PM } n546= else return %hour $+ : $+ %minute AM n547=} n548=; n549=; away stuff n550=; n551=setawaywithnick { n552= set %tvawaynick $1 | set %awayreason $2- n553= set %tvsettingaway $true n554= nick $1 n555=} n556=setaway { n557= ckserv n558= if %tvawaynick = $null set %tvawaynick $me n559= if $away = $false remini $mircdirmisc.ini away n560= .enable #Away | set %amsg $1- n561= if $1- = %autoawaymsg set %autoset $true n562= else set %autoset $false n563= set %temp is away: $1- 6(rec: $+ $chr(32) n564= if (%awaylog) set %temp %temp ON n565= else set %temp %temp OFF n566= if (%pager) { set %temp %temp pager: ON) To summon me, type /CTCP %tvawaynick PAGE | .enable #page } n567= else set %temp %temp pager: OFF) n568= if (%noawaycolor) { n569= set %temp $strip(%temp) n570= away Since $realtime $+ , $day $adate ( $+ $strip($1-) $+ ) n571= } n572= else away Since $realtime $+ , $day $adate ( $+ $1- $+ ) n573= .timer974 off n574= if $chan(0) != 0 ame %temp n575= set %since $ctime n576= if (%msgaway) { %msgawaydelay = %msgawaydelay * 60 | .timer974 0 %msgawaydelay sa } n577=} n578=setback { n579= ckserv | .timer974 off n580= if ($away) { away | altech -a 3Telling the server you are no longer away... } n581= else { altech -a %dis10 $+ You are not marked away! | dh } n582=} n583=aa if ($away = $false) setaway %autoawaymsg n584=autoaway .timer75 1 900 aa n585=; n586=; channel vote n587=; Most of these aliases are called by an external program n588=; n589=chanvote { n590= altech -a %dis10 $+ Beginning vote on $1 | altech -a 3Press Shift-F3 at any time to cancel it n591= if $me !ison $1 { altech -a %dis10 $+ You are not on $1 $+ ! | altech -a 3Procedure Abored! | dh } n592= %time = $2 / 60 | set %voteon $3- | set %vote $true | set %votechan $1 n593= %voteyes = 0 | %voteno = 0 n594= .timer993 1 $2 endvote n595= if (%votecolor) { n596= msg $1 0,0áááá n597= describe $1 voting booths are now open n598= .timer 1 1 msg $1 0,0áááá n599= .timer 1 2 msg $1 2,0áááThe Question:12,0 $3- n600= .timer 1 3 msg $1 0,0áááá n601= if %time = 1 .timer 1 4 msg $1 4,0áááVotes will be taken for 1 minute n602= else .timer 1 4 msg $1 4,0áááVotes will be taken for %time minutes n603= if %votetype = 0 .timer 1 5 msg $1 2,0áááThis vote is for anyone (ops and non-ops) n604= elseif %votetype = 1 .timer 1 5 msg $1 2,0áááThis vote is for anyone who is currently opped n605= elseif %votetype = 2 .timer 1 5 msg $1 2,0áááThis vote is for anyone in my op list n606= elseif %votetype = 3 .timer 1 5 msg $1 2,0áááThis vote is for anyone opped or in my op list n607= .timer 1 6 msg $1 0,0áááá n608= .timer 1 7 msg $1 2,0áááTo place a vote, 12,0/CTCP $me YES or NO n609= } n610= else { n611= describe $1 voting booths are now open n612= .timer 1 1 msg $1 The Question: $3- n613= if %time = 1 .timer 1 2 msg $1 Votes will be taken for 1 minute n614= else .timer 1 2 msg $1 Votes will be taken for %time minutes n615= if %votetype = 0 .timer 1 3 msg $1 This vote is for anyone (ops and non-ops) n616= elseif %votetype = 1 .timer 1 3 msg $1 This vote is for anyone who is currently opped n617= elseif %votetype = 2 .timer 1 3 msg $1 This vote is for anyone in my op list n618= elseif %votetype = 3 .timer 1 3 msg $1 This vote is for anyone opped or in my op list n619= .timer 1 4 msg $1 To place a vote, /CTCP $me YES or NO n620= } n621=} n622=endvote { n623= %votetotal = %voteyes + %voteno n624= if %votetotal = 0 { n625= %votepertotal = 0 n626= %voteyesper = 0 n627= %votenoper = 0 n628= } n629= else { n630= if %voteyes = 0 set %voteyesper 0 n631= else %voteyesper = $calc((%voteyes / %votetotal) * 100) n632= if %voteno = 0 set %votenoper 0 n633= else %votenoper = $calc((%voteno / %votetotal) * 100) n634= %votepertotal = $calc((%votepossible / %votetotal) * 100) n635= } n636= if %votetype = 0 set %votepossible $nick(%votechan,0) n637= elseif %votetype = 1 set %votepossible $opnick(%votechan,0) n638= elseif %votetype = 2 set %votepossible $knownops(%votechan,0) n639= elseif %votetype = 3 set %votepossible $knownops(%votechan,1) n640= if %votepossible = 0 set %votepertotal 0 n641= describe %votechan voting booths are now closed n642= if (%votecolor) { n643= .timer 1 1 msg %votechan 0,0áááá n644= .timer 1 2 msg %votechan 2,0áááThe Question was:12,0 %voteon n645= .timer 1 3 msg %votechan 0,0áááá n646= .timer 1 4 msg %votechan 2,0áááPossible Votes:12,0 %votepossible n647= .timer 1 5 msg %votechan 2,0áá Votes Received:12,0 %votetotal ( $+ %votepertotal $+ [ % ] $+ ) n648= .timer 1 6 msg %votechan 0,0áááá n649= .timer 1 7 msg %votechan 2,0áááResults:12,0 %voteyes ( $+ %voteyesper $+ [ % ] $+ ) said Yes, %voteno ( $+ %votenoper $+ [ % ] $+ ) said No n650= } n651= else { n652= .timer 1 1 msg %votechan The Question was: %voteon n653= .timer 1 2 msg %votechan Possible Votes: %votepossible n654= .timer 1 3 msg %votechan Votes Received: %votetotal ( $+ %votepertotal $+ [ % ] $+ ) n655= .timer 1 4 msg %votechan Results: %voteyes ( $+ %voteyesper $+ [ % ] $+ ) said Yes, %voteno ( $+ %votenoper $+ [ % ] $+ ) said No n656= } n657= unset %vote* n658=} n659=; n660=; misc. aliases (mostly just support for other routines) n661=; n662=alwaysjoin { n663= %c = 0 n664= :nx n665= inc %c n666= if %alwaysjoin [ $+ [ %c ] ] != $null { n667= if $me !ison %alwaysjoin [ $+ [ %c ] ] join %alwaysjoin [ $+ [ %c ] ] n668= goto nx n669= } n670=} n671=multictcp { n672= %i = 0 n673= :nx n674= inc %i | if $snick($1,%i) != $null { ctcp $snick($1,%i) *2 | goto nx } n675=} n676=color dde color $ddename $+ color showthouself please n677=botlog if (%botlog) write $logdirbotlite.log $realtime $+ , $day $adate $1- n678=rp set %dur $replace(%dur,$1,$2-) n679=dur { n680= set %dur $duration($calc($ctime - $1)) n681= rp hrs hours | rp 1hr 1 hour | rp secs seconds | rp 1sec 1 second | rp mins minutes n682= rp 1min 1 minute | rp wks weeks | rp 1wk 1 week | rp days days | rp 1day 1 day n683= return $replace(%dur,,$chr(32)) n684=} n685=dur2 { n686= set %dur $duration($1) n687= rp hrs hours | rp 1hr 1 hour | rp secs seconds | rp 1sec 1 second | rp mins minutes n688= rp 1min 1 minute | rp wks weeks | rp 1wk 1 week | rp days days | rp 1day 1 day n689= return $replace(%dur,,$chr(32)) n690=} n691=onotice onotice [Ops on # $+ ] $1- n692=cm { n693= if # = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ /cm to send a channel message only works while you are on a channel! | dh } n694= else msg # $1- n695=} n696=amiopped if ($me !isop $1) { altech -a %dis10 $+ You are not opped on $1 $+ ! | dh } n697=ckserv if $server = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ You are not connected to a server! | dh } n698=allnicks { n699= %nicks = "" | %i = 0 n700= :nx n701= inc %i n702= if $snick($1,%i) != $null { %nicks = %nicks $snick($1,%i) | goto nx } n703= return %nicks n704=} n705=ak { n706= amiopped $1 n707= set %chan $1 | set %tn $2 | $readini $mircdirmisc.ini kicks $3 n708=} n709=sa ame is AWAY: %amsg (away $dur(%since) $+ ) n710=ic if ($chat($1) = $null) { altech -a %dis10 $+ I don't think $1 is an eggdrop! | dh } n711=isnum { n712= %k = 0 n713= :nx n714= inc %k n715= if $mid($1,%k,1) isnum 0-9 goto skip n716= return $false n717= :skip n718= if %k < $len($1) goto nx n719= return $true n720=} n721=ptb mode $3 -o+b $1 $2 | rtb $2 $3 n722=rtb .timer 1 %bantime if ($me isop $2) mode $2 -b $1 n723=tgn { n724= if $me = %mynick .timer930 off n725= else nick %mynick n726=} n727=cnick set %dontcare $true | .timer931 1 10 unset %dontcare | nick $1 n728=getnick nick %mynick | .timer930 0 30 tgn n729=chpd if ((%nspd = NickPass) || (%nspd = $null)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ You have not set a NickServ password! | dh } n730=chcpd if ((%cspd = ChanPass) || (%cspd = $null)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ You have not set a ChanServ password! | dh } n731=sk kick # $1 %kickmsg n732=skb kick # $1 %kickbanmsg n733=tk .timer 1 3 kick $2 $1 $3- n734=kickban { n735= set %prefix - | %i = 0 | %change = "" | %nummode = 0 | %nicks = "" n736= :nx n737= inc %i n738= set %nick $ialchan($1,$2,%i).nick n739= if $ialchan($1,$2,%i).nick != $null { n740= set %prefix %prefix $+ o | %change = %change %nick n741= inc %nummode | set %nicks %nicks $+ %nick $+ $chr(1) n742= if (%maxmodes // %nummode) { n743= mode $2 %prefix %change n744= set %prefix - | %change = "" n745= } n746= goto nx n747= } n748= %prefix = %prefix $+ +b | %change = %change $1 n749= mode $2 %prefix %change n750= if $3 = $null set %reason %kickbanmsg n751= else set %reason $3- n752= %i = 0 n753= :kick n754= set %pos $calc($pos(%nicks,$chr(1)) - 1) n755= set %thisnick $left(%nicks,%pos) n756= set %nicks $right(%nicks,$calc($len(%nicks) - %pos - 1)) n757= if %thisnick != $null { n758= kick $2 %thisnick %reason n759= goto kick n760= } n761=} n762=adeop { n763= ; deop all people that match address $1 from channel $2 n764= %n = 0 n765= :nx n766= inc %n n767= if $ialchan($1,$2,%n) != $null { n768= mode $2 -o $ialchan($1,$2,%n).nick n769= goto nx n770= } n771=} n772=kickall { n773= ; kick everyone who matches address $1 from channel $2 using reason $3 n774= %n = 0 n775= :nx n776= inc %n n777= if $ialchan($1,$2,%n) != $null { n778= kick $2 $ialchan($1,$2,%n).nick $3- n779= goto nx n780= } n781=} n782=kickbanall { n783= ; kick-ban everyone who matches address $1 from channel $2 using reason $3 n784= %n = 0 n785= :nx n786= inc %n n787= if $ialchan($1,$2,%n) != $null { n788= if (%tvdidban [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $true) { mode $2 +b $1 | rtb $1 $2 | set %tvdidban [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $true } n789= kick $2 $ialchan($1,$2,%n).nick $3- n790= goto nx n791= } n792= unset %tvdidban* n793=} n794=gkick { n795= ; given a nick, kick anyone who matches the address from all channels I'm opped on using reason $2- n796= %n = 0 n797= :nx n798= inc %n n799= if $2 = $null set %reason %kickmsg n800= else set %reason $2- n801= if ($chan(%n) != $null) { n802= if ($me isop $chan(%n)) kickall $a3($1) $chan(%n) %reason n803= goto nx n804= } n805=} n806=gkb { n807= ; given a nick, kick-ban anyone who matches the address from all channels I'm opped on using reason $2- n808= %n = 0 n809= :nx n810= inc %n n811= if $2 = $null set %reason %kickmsg n812= else set %reason $2- n813= if ($chan(%n) != $null) { n814= if ($me isop $chan(%n)) kickbanall $a3($1) $chan(%n) %reason n815= goto nx n816= } n817=} n818=kball { n819= ; kick-ban everyone that matches address $1 from all channels I'm opped on using reason $2- n820= %n = 0 n821= :nx n822= inc %n n823= if ($chan(%n) != $null) { n824= if ($me isop $chan(%n)) kickbanall $1 $chan(%n) $2- n825= goto nx n826= } n827=} n828=tb .timer 1 2 mode # -o+b $1 $a3($1) | rtb $a3($1) # n829=am return $asc($mid($2-,$1,1)) n830=ckmd if (($nick($1,0) = 1) && (%enforcemodes)) emode $1 n831=log if (%log) write $logdirsession.log $realtime $+ , $day $adate $1- n832=quit { n833= if $1 = $null quit %quitmsg n834= else quit $1- n835=} n836=getlag reply $me LAGCHECK $ctime n837=kick { n838= amiopped $1 n839= kick $1- n840=} n841=mode { n842= if (%urd) raw mode $1- n843= else mode $1- n844=} n845=modeall { n846= %i = 0 n847= :nx n848= inc %i n849= if $chan(%i) != $null { n850= if $me isop $chan(%i) mode $chan(%i) $1- n851= goto nx n852= } n853=} n854=msg { n855= if (%urd) raw PRIVMSG $1 : $+ $2- n856= else msg $1 $2- n857=} n858=notice { n859= if (%urd) raw NOTICE $1 : $+ $2- n860= else notice $1 $2- n861=} n862=topicok if ((+t isin $chan($1).mode) && ($me !isop $1)) { altech -a %dis10 $+ Sorry, $1 is +t and you are not opped | altech -a %dis10 $+ You cannot change the topic :( | dh } n863=z q $me